Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Informative Analysis BMW Group
Useful Analysis BMW Group Organization history Advertising We will compose a custom exploration paper test on Informative Analysis: BMW Group explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The BMW Group has situated itself among the 10 biggest vehicle fabricates all around The BMW Group was built up in 1917 and has figured out how to situate itself among the 10 biggest vehicle makers internationally. At first, the firm’s center tasks involved structuring and creation of airplane motors. In the course of recent years, the firm has experienced critical development. The development has emerged from execution of Strategy Number One which was detailed in 2007. The methodology is planned for achieving two fundamental objectives which incorporate; To support the firm’s long haul esteem development. To accomplish a significant level of productivity and returns. Statement of purpose The firm is guided by a reasonable crucial expressed beneath; To turn into the world’s pioneer in arrangemen t of premium administrations and items so as to improve singular versatility. Qualities The firm’s tasks are guided by various fundamental beliefs which have been the foundation of its prosperity. These qualities incorporate; Responsible activity Long-term thinking Environmental assurance Social and biological manageability Corporate administration The firm’s corporate administration procedure is planned for improving its capacity to achieve the set objectives, destinations and qualities. The BMW Group has consolidated a thorough corporate administration technique that is contained a lot of standards, frameworks and processes.Advertising Looking for research paper on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The firm’s corporate administration technique is planned for improving its capacity to accomplish the set objectives, targets, and qualities. In addition, the firm means to boost shar eholders’ riches through corporate administration. The Group is aware of the way that its prosperity will be subject to the viability with which its activities are overseen. Thus, the firm’s supervisory crew is comprised of two primary organs which incorporate; The Board of Management The Supervisory Board The two sheets are established of experienced people who guarantee that compelling choices are made. An elevated level of trust is guaranteed between the Board of Management and the Supervisory Board. Thus, the level of coordinated effort is improved altogether. Moreover, the BMW Group has planned its code of activity based on the German Corporate Governance Code. This has empowered the firm to successfully address the investors and other stakeholders’ needs. Corporate manageability Currently, supportability is one of the most significant perspectives that organizations ought to consider in their journey to stay serious. Elmaraghy (34) is of the sentiment that adherence to manageable advancement decides an organization’s long haul achievement. Elmaraghy (35) refers to three primary viewpoints that contribute towards manageable turn of events. They incorporate; natural manageability, financial supportability and social maintainability. Publicizing We will compose a custom exploration paper test on Informative Analysis: BMW Group explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The firm’s duty towards financial manageability is confirm by fuse of a worth included gracefully chain Environmental supportability The BMW Group acknowledges the significance of creating maintainability in its mission to achieve long haul and beneficial development. One of the maintainability gives that the firm spotlights on is ecological supportability. Ecological supportability is worried about improving and protecting human government assistance for instance by monitoring the earth inside they work. Over the span of its activity, the BMW Gr oup is submitted towards ecological maintainability by guaranteeing delicate and proficient asset use. Reception of item broadening procedure is spurred by the need to produce gainful development. Social supportability According to Elmaraghy (35), a firm achieves social manageability by regarding the requirements of the general public which it works. In accordance with social supportability, the BMW Group acknowledges the way that there are dangers related with inability to hold fast to social maintainability. Such dangers may bring about loss of notoriety and subsequently the firm’s long haul endurance. The BMW Group has built up a solid relationship with the general public inside which it works. The BMW Group urges its workers to be associated with social exercises. In 2012, the firm granted a portion of its representatives for their pledge to the general public (Tricker 12).Advertising Searching for research paper on business financial matters? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Financial manageability This part of supportability includes building up a firm’s long haul monetary suitability and gainfulness. The firm’s duty towards fulfillment of financial maintainability is prove by joining n of significant worth included flexibly chain. In 2012, the BMW Group was positioned second based on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Items The firm has joined a far reaching monetary administrations portfolio. Throughout its activity, the BMW Group acknowledges the way that the market is described by differing item and administration tastes and inclinations. Therefore, the firm has incorporated the idea of item broadening. Reception of this system is likewise persuaded by the need to create gainful development. The firm has some expertise underway of premium vehicle and bike brands. A portion of the top notch vehicle and bike marks that the firm creates incorporate; BMW-Mini BMW Motorrad Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. The BMW Group top premium brands incorporat e Rolls-Royce, Mini and BMW. Then again the two principle bike brands incorporate Husqvarna and (BMW Group 1) The firm’s inspiration to create gainful development is one of the variables that drive the firm to extend its item run and to fortify in worldwide market position. The firm’s creation forms are guided by advancement, superior and building greatness. The Group’s items are positioned among the best car marks on the planet. Administrations The BMW Group is engaged towards benefit augmentation. Therefore, it has fused a far reaching monetary administrations portfolio. The money related assistance portfolio created by the firm depends on energy about the way that budgetary administrations comprise a basic part in the accomplishment of the versatile world. The BMW Group Financial Services is made out of various administrations which chiefly identify with arrangement of money related data. The Group offers money related types of assistance in around 50 nations universally. Multi-brand financing Leasing Insurance Asset the executives Dealer financing Company vehicle pools Banking In The BMW Group is perceptive of the worldwide changes that are presently being experienced. One of the components that the gathering acknowledges identifies with versatility. Interest for new individual versatility arrangements inside the general public has expanded altogether. In any case, the worldwide economy has gotten unstable as prove by expanded financial vulnerability subsequently influencing the group’s activity. One of the routes through which the firm plans to accomplish benefit development is by putting resources into nonstop item improvement. In spite of these difficulties, the BMW Group is submitted towards achievement of its objectives and targets. One of the courses through which the BMW Group means to accomplish this is by putting resources into constant item improvement. The item improvement process is led based on three fundamental ite m perspectives which incorporate mechanical, social and auxiliary viewpoints. In its item advancement process, the firm guarantees that its items and administrations claim the objective clients. The Group accomplishes this by offering brilliant items that are described by; An elevated level of stylish intrigue Innovative and present day innovation High quality Dynamic execution Human capital The BMW Group thinks about human capital as one of the foundations in its future achievement. The BMW Group thinks about human capital as the most significant factors in its future achievement. Thusly, the firm has built up a far reaching worker improvement strategy. The approach is planned for building up a committed and inspired workforce. In 2012, the firm expanded the quantity of students by 10%. Furthermore, in excess of 1,376 youthful people were marked into the firm’s one year preparing program. This expanded the quantity of representatives on the apprenticeship program to 4,266.Th e firm spent roughly â‚ ¬280 million on proficient and professional preparing. The preparation program is planned for building up the firm’s serious edge in a domain that is portrayed by mechanical change. By putting resources into human capital turn of events, the BMW Group can keep up its seriousness with respect to mechanical greatness and development. For instance, the firm’s innovative work group can fuse the shoppers taste and inclinations when structuring their new car models (Deschamps 54). Income and execution Increment in deals The BMW Group has figured out how to continue its benefit development in the course of recent years. Notwithstanding, 2012 was the best money related year in the firm’s history. During this year, the firm’s deals for BMW, Rolls-Royce and Mini premium brands expanded to 1,845,186 units, which speak to a 10.6% augmentation contrasted with 2011. The business increase has empowered the firm to proceed in charge of the exce ptional brand showcase portion. By holding fast to Strategy Number ONE, the BMW Group plans to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Computer History Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
PC History - Term Paper Example The arrangement depends on specific timeframes the PCs was improved during. Each age is portrayed by the new development. The main time frame is 1937 †1946. It is portrayed by the making of the main PC. It was electronic advanced devise made by Clifford Berry and John V. Atanasoff. The machine was named after its makers - Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC). Surely, this PC and different machines made in its picture and similarity were not great, they couldn't perform muddled undertakings and had no working framework. There is a fascinating truth that when one of the principal PCs was turned on, the close by districts were out of intensity for quite a while. The subsequent period endured from 1947 till 1962. During this period the PCs were improved as vacuum tubes was changed for transistors. These PCs were at that point utilized in the business world and there were many programming dialects made for them. PCs turned out to be ground-breaking and equipped for performing various under takings without a moment's delay. Third era is 1963-present. It is described the by the production of incorporated circuit. This improvement made the PCs progressively minimized, gave them more force and many various capacities including the accessibility to run a few projects without a moment's delay. Microsoft Disk Operating System was created in 1980 and the working framework Windows that is utilized presently was conceived in 1990s. In 1980 Japanese specialists made a ten-year plan. They wanted to build up the new age of PCs with new capacities. â€Å"This was a fascinating arrangement for two reasons. Right off the bat, it isn't at all truly clear what the fourth era is, or even whether the third era had completed at this point. Also, it was an endeavor to characterize an age of PCs before they had appeared. The fundamental prerequisites of the 5G machines was that they join the highlights of Artificial Intelligence, Expert Systems, and Natural Language†(Mannell). The a rrangement was promising on the grounds that it was planned for creating PCs with specific limits. Japanese specialists needed new PCs to have the option to play out the errands, which people can perform. They were intended to have the option to learn and speak with individuals. These capacities are particularly intriguing and useful for language specialists. In spite of the fact that these objectives have not been reached at this point, steady advancement of PCs makes it conceivable to contact them in future. Talking about PCs it is inconceivable also equal processing. It is a thought planned for improving computers’ limit. Toward the starting all the PCs were sequential with just a single processor, anyway then it was chosen to concoct PCs with a few processors as they would have the option to play out a few errands without a moment's delay all the more productively and the projects would run quicker. â€Å"Having various processors doesn't really imply that equal register ing will work consequently. The working framework must have the option to circulate programs between the processors (eg. late forms of Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X can do this). An individual program might have the option to exploit various processors if the scripting language it's written in can circulate undertakings inside a program between numerous processors. For instance, OpenMP underpins equal programming in Fortran and C/C++†(Mannell). The steady improvement of a PC made it great and
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
MIT Early Action Admissions Decisions Available Online
MIT Early Action Admissions Decisions Available Online MIT Early Action admissions decisions are now available at You can log in using the same username and password that you use to log into your MyMIT account. There are no interim screens, so you should be sure you are ready to receive your decision online before logging in to Admissions decisions will be available exclusively online. To reiterate: dont wait for decisions to arrive via email or snail mail, as we do not plan to send out admissions decisions in this way this year. This year, we received about 5,000 applications for early action admission, a record number for us and a 27% increase over last year. We admitted 540 students for an admit rate of 11%, or fewer than one of every nine applicants. Students who were not admitted were either deferred or denied. Students who were deferred will automatically be reconsidered during regular action. Students who are denied admission will not be admitted for this year and may not reapply for regular action admission. We on the admissions committee put our heart and soul, and our best judgment, into every decision, and most decisions are extremely difficult. Most students who applied to MIT in early action this year were excellent matches for MIT, and most were extremely qualified. Our task is to choose from these many, many excellent applicants to bring together a class. Well have more to say about the process for the admitted students, deferred students, and the denied students in the days and weeks to come. In the meantime, well provide open threads today for all three groups. I know I speak for all of the admissions officers when I say that this has been a very difficult early action process because of the large numbers of very, very qualified applicants. It made reading the applications a joy, but it made turning away students that much harder. Thank you for applying! Post Tagged #Early Action
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Christian Teachers Should Teach Based on Christian...
I believe that it is important for all teachers, but especially Christian teachers, to have and to operate within their personal educational philosophy. Knight (2006) states â€Å"Christian educators must come to see their educational systems as unified endeavors built upon a foundation of Christian philosophy†p. 164. Today, in most public schools, Christian principles are being left out, and it is important that we find ways to lead our students to truth. My personal philosophy is based upon Matthew 19:14 which states â€Å"But Jesus said, Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for such belongs to the kingdom of heaven†(KJV). Children are special and God wants us to ensure that they are getting the best education possible. I am planning to teach children between the grades of Pre-K and Kindergarten because I feel children in this age group are strongly influenced by their teachers. I believe that God’s word is truth and that God wants teachers to make sure children are getting truth. I want my students to value God’s word and all of His creations. They should take pride in caring for each other and the environment but they should also value their education. As a teacher, I will be a positive, Godly role model for my students. As a public educator, I will influence my students by modeling behaviors consistent with the fruits of the spirit. Philosophy of Schools Learning Based on knowledge obtained in several courses, I have developed an idea forShow MoreRelatedDifferent Philosophies That People Believe1634 Words  | 7 Pagesframework of basic beliefs that we hold, whether we realize it or not, that shapes our view of and for the world. Everyone has a worldview. The question is not whether one has a worldview but which one has.†1 Here is the definition of a biblical worldview rather than just a worldview: â€Å"A biblical worldview is based on the infallible word of God. When you believe the Bible is entirely true, then you allow it to be the foundation of everything you do.†2 As Christians those should have differentRead MoreA Christian Worldview Of Common Core Standards1350 Words  | 6 PagesA Christian Worldview of Common Core Standards Christal Klinger EDU 520: Bishop Current Issues WebQuest: Session 4 A Christian Worldview of Common Core Standards Common Core standards at a national level, assist the education system by the establishment of academic expectations that students must satisfy to continue to the next grade level or graduate from high school, no matter the state or school district. 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Therefore, it is important for an educator to have a solid philosophy of education so that his or her teaching is effective and right before God. Six important components of an educational philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, the nature of the learner, the school, and the teacher. HoweverRead MorePersonal Statement On Personal Religion1522 Words  | 7 PagesPersonal Religion I would describe my own personal faith to be Christian- Catholic, the same as my parent’s faith. I grew up being catholic. I was baptized, did my first communion and even did my confirmation. I believe in one God; but I also believe in God as a Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in Angels, Saints, and the old and new testament. I believe in Mary, God’s mother, and I also believe in all of Jesus’s apostles. We Catholics also believe in the devil, and that he is realRead MoreBiblical World View and Education Essay examples1558 Words  | 7 Pages What is the role of a teacher? What is the role of a learner? How does a teacher in a classroom apply their faith, beliefs, and view of the world into their classroom? How does this worldview affect the outcome of the curriculum that is developed and taught to their students? This paper will explore these questions and how the ideas of world view and personal truth affects an educator’s development of curriculum as well as influence the role of the teacher, learner, society, and familyRead MoreThe Bible and Understanding Scripture800 Words  | 4 Pagespeople. Christians are taught to read and study the Bible daily. A new person in the body of Christ would understand reading and studying just as one reads a regular book or study material. Often Christians are not taught how to read and study, instead they internalize reading and studying as memorization of the Bible because most Christians can remember the word of God without a complete understanding of scripture . When Christians are taught the history of the Bible and how the Bible should be interpretedRead MoreUnderstanding The Current Epistemological Understanding1627 Words  | 7 Pagesepistemological understanding. Comment on the following issues: a. Does a real world exist? In what form? Yes, a real world does exist. It is independent of the mind as the world we live in is tangible, visible, and created with a purpose. As a Christian, I know the world exist because God created it and recorded the creation story in Genesis. Additionally, God created knowledge and wisdom including, general revelation. General revelation holds people accountable for knowing the Maker of the UniverseRead More Keep Church and State Separated Essay1667 Words  | 7 Pagesfounded on religious principles, our government should continue to base its laws on a Judeo-Christian God. An article entitled, â€Å"Standing up for Church-State Separation in Difficult Times,†states that, â€Å"Religious Right groups are crowing and insisting that they have some sort of mandated authority to make their repressive agenda the law of the land,†however, we no longer live in the 1700’s (13). Times are changing and America is no longer predominantly white, Christians. Furthermore, some believeRead More Teaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools Essay903 Words  | 4 PagesTeaching Morals and Ethics in Public Schools The question of whether or not schools should teach ethics and morals is misleading, because ethics and morals are two different things. Websters Dictionary defines ethics as a particular system of principles and rules concerning duty, whether true or false, and morals as motivation based on ideas of right and wrong. As I take it, ethics implies a set of basic rules to abide by, whereas morals strictly set down what to believe, and what not to
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
New College of Florida Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
New College of Florida is a public liberal arts college with an acceptance rate of 77%. Founded in 1960 and located on the waterfront in Sarasota, Florida, New College was for decades affiliated with the University of South Florida before becoming an independent institution in 2001. New College has a flexible and innovative curriculum with no traditional majors and with written evaluations rather than grades. Considering applying to New College of Florida? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, New College had an acceptance rate of 77%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 77 students were admitted, making New College of Floridas admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 1,340 Percent Admitted 77% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 19% SAT Scores and Requirements New College of Florida requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 83% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 630 720 Math 590 700 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of New Colleges admitted students fall within the top 20% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to New College scored between 630 and 720, while 25% scored below 630 and 25% scored above 720. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 590 and 700, while 25% scored below 590 and 25% scored above 700. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1420 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at New College of Florida. Requirements New College does not require the SAT writing section. Note that New College participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. New College does not require SAT Subject test scores but will consider them if submitted. ACT Scores and Requirements New College requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 43% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 25 34 Math 23 29 Composite 26 31 This admissions data tells us that most of New Colleges admitted students fall within the top 18% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to New College received a composite ACT score between 26 and 31, while 25% scored above 31 and 25% scored below 26. Requirements New College of Florida does not require the ACT writing section. Unlike many universities, New College superscores ACT results; your highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings will be considered. GPA In 2018, the middle 50% of New College of Floridas incoming freshmen class had high school GPAs between 3.76 and 4.35. 25% had a GPA above 4.35, and 25% had a GPA below 3.76. These results suggest that most successful applicants to New College have primarily A grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph New College of Florida Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to New College of Florida. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances New College of Florida, which accepts over three-quarters of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process, and successful applicants typically have standardized test scores and high school grades that are significantly above average. However, New College has a holistic admissions process that is not based on numerical data alone. A strong admissions essay and a glowing letter of recommendation can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities and a rigorous course schedule that includes AP, IB, Honors, or dual enrollment coursework. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that most students who were admitted had high school averages of B or higher, combined SAT scores of about 1250 or higher, and ACT composite scores of 26 or higher. Many successful applicants had solid A averages. Admissions Information for Other Florida Colleges and Universities: Embry-Riddle | Flagler | University of Florida | Florida Atlantic | Florida State | Miami UCF | UNF | USF | U of Tampa All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and New College of Florida Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Encounters With Public Health Free Essays
ABSTRACT Primary Care Trust (PCT) is one of the organizations functioning under NHS. The main objectives of PCT is to find the various reasons behind the health issues existing in Greenwich and to plan and conduct programs to improve the health condition of the people of the Greenwich. One of the major reasons of the health problems in Greenwich is socio-economic inequalities. We will write a custom essay sample on Encounters With Public Health or any similar topic only for you Order Now Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, prevalence of infectious disease and conditions like obesity, hypertension, Diabetes are the few determinants of health among the people of Greenwich. Poor diet, teenage pregnancies are few factors which influence the health of young citizens and leads to increased mortality. Increase in the population and presence of diverse ethnic groups in Greenwich also account for health issues. Overcoming all the risk factors of the health remains the main challenge of PCT. Thus, motive of the PCT is to organize various educational camps along with local organizations and help in improving the health of the people. PCT also plans to approach various ethnic groups such as Irish people and counsel them and provide the required help to improve their health. Also, planning of the urban areas of the state to provide all the resources and the health facilities to the needy people is on the agenda of the PCT. INTRODUCTION Today most of the death and illness cases in UK are due to tobacco consumption and alcoholic intake. It was stated that more than 107,000 people are dying with smoking related diseases a year (Cancer research UK, 2010). The other major disease is diabetes, it is stated that one out of twenty people are suffering from this disease in UK (Diabetes UK, 2010). Pollution is the source to get Cardio Vascular Diseases. It IS analysed that 40% of the deaths in UK are due to illness caused by air pollution (Department of Health UK, 2006). In order to control all the risk factors causing illness to the public, UK government has introduced health caring services by establishing National Health Services to the public. Greenwich Teaching Primary Care Trust (PCT) is one of the caring trusts look after public health. It is an integral part of the National Health Service (NHS) which was established in 2001. PCT is responsible for planning, securing and improving health and health services and reducing health inequalities across Greenwich. The PCT provides primary and community health services, mental health care, walk-in-centres, patient transport (including accident and emergencies), NHS direct, population screening (e.g. breast screening), pharmacies, dentists and opticians for people within its jurisdiction. The PCT engage in commissioning (i.e. plans and purchases) services from other health service providers – such as specialist hospitals where people go for treatments that is not available within the borough. The commissioning involves services from voluntary or non-governmental organisations, private healthcare institutions and the NHS trusts for all public health issues affecting environment, health and well-being of the citizens. It is also responsible for merging of health and social care so that the two systems can work together for patients and have health protection responsibilities for ensuring the protection of the public’s health. The PCT also ensure that decision making about local services are diligently initiated by those best placed to make them and also ensure that the local people are involved in any decision making. PUBLIC HEALTH ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF GREENWICH TEACHING PCT Establishing some health data information centres such as ‘Service Hub’ and other practice based commissions on public awareness about health. To Provide Supporting lifestyle choices by restricting some areas to avoid passive illnesses. Ex: smoking, alcohol etc. Promoting mental health and well-being by supporting the poverty Effective and efficient healthcare delivery Child healthcare is maintained by providing Immunisation vaccines. For complete borough healthy wellbeing, Greenwich PCT is collaborated with some government organisations such as Greenwich council, Environmental Agencies, Health professionals, General public and other relevant stakeholders and other resources. Building of community hospitals, Modern Healthcare systems and improving access to healthcare services To reduce crimes, disorders, misuse of drugs, alcohol taking, it has engaged in planning and strategic policies in conjunction with local authorities according to Crime and Disorder act 1998 and also considering the prisoners health according to NHS Act 2006(Greenwich NHS, UK) Greenwich PCT provided an emergence planning system for three main incidents Flood Heat waves Pandemic influenza The Civil Contingencies Act is responsible to handle and deal the emergencies Recently in the year 2009 Greenwich PCT, introduced two main key functions to optimise and improve the health inequalities in the public. Greenwich community Health Services deals with services provider part to optimise the health and wellbeing of public and to reduce the inequalities. NHS Greenwich deals with commissioning part by providing care and support to the public. Both the services are aimed to provide community health services. IDENTIFICATING THE CHELLENGES FACING THE ORGANISATION IN THE TERMS OF PROTECTING AND IMPROVING HEALTH OF THE POPULATION Â ·Pollution: Pollution is one of the main reasons for various diseases. Cutting down of pollution can be done by counselling and educating people about the pollution free environment. Disabilities by Accidents: Rash driving, drinking and driving and not following the traffic rules are the main causes of accident. These accidents lead to disabilities which is also causes mental illness. Proper guidance and following traffic rules is needed to avoid accidents. Increased prevalence of smoking, obesity and poor mental well-being: Prevalence of smoking is high in the people who are unemployed and in socio-economically deprived people. Similarly obesity rate is increasing constantly. Professional rivalries Increase in population and changes in health pattern and diseases: Population increase has its role to play in various diseases like cancer, heart attacks. Control in population is required to have a healthy society. Wider determinants of health: Prevalence of various infectious diseases such as TB, Hepatitis B and C influences the well being of people. Also existence of HIV is rising every year which has to be kept under a check. Socio-economic deprivation: A Socio-economic difference is one of the important reasons for health inequalities. Education and employment to these people is one of the challenges. Providing proper shelter during winter is essential to avoid death. Planning: Health of the people is also dependent on the planning of the city. Good building design along with good modes of transportation and sufficient greenery can improve the health. Also availability of the food at affordable prices and providing employment can also improve the health. Population diversity with regard to ethnicity: In Greenwich the main ethnic groups existing are the Black Africans and Irish people. Also, Asians are seen. The diversity in population also has role to play in health as the culture and habits is different among each ethnic group. Limited resources and Lifestyle and attitude to health and healthcare services. COMMENT ON THE STRATEGIES USE TO OVERCOME THERE CHALLENGES. DEMONSTRATE THE AWARENESS OF THE DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH By reforming and improving the quality of health promotion towards the community and primary healthcare services. And upholding friendly health services which support mental health promotional activities and provision of its facilities within the borough. Prevention and early detection and management of risk factors and diseases through optimum reassessments and improved clinical methods of diagnosing and treating infections and diseases. Working with the council to encourage access to healthy and affordable food, increase physical activity, stopping smoking, reduce obesity and promote mental well-being and housing support for even development of a secured, safe and friendly neighbourhoods and community at large. This will aid people to have healthy choices, objectives and reliable information access to health and advice to preventive health services in the community. Joint working with the council and other partners to ensure health improvement, development and stability into the future of young generations in order to motivate and empower the environment actively and positively through the promotion of health and urban planning. Targeting the marginalised groups at the greatest risk of poor health outcomes and networking with these groups to initiate strategic approaches and implementation processes that will be fruitful, with particular focus on the Black African and Irish populations in the borough who have poor outcomes across the major causes of mortality and morbidity. Projecting into the future and determining changes in the population and obesity trends between 10-15 years, which may, however lead to health risks such as cancers, diabetes and cardiovascular heart diseases (CHD) which are the chief causes of premature deaths. (Physical activities and healthy foods). Another public health issues encountered by the PCT is the strategic tackling of health inequalities within the borough owing to the socio-economic and demographic deprivation which is the main causes of death, communicable diseases (such as Tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Hepatitis), disability, teenage pregnancy and fuel poverty. LINKS TO WIDER DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH The major risk factors for the principal causes of mortality and morbidity in the Greenwich Teaching PCT are outline and discuss below: Smoking: Smoking is highly prevalent among the people and has been one of the important cause of heart attack, lung cancer and bowel cancer and also the reason for obesity. Thus, it is one of the deadly habits which are found to affect the health and it is very important to educate people about the detrimental effects of smoking. Sedentary lifestyle: Due to the inadequate physical activity a number of health complications are seen. The most common diseases seen because of the lifestyle is Coronary Heart Disease (CHD), Obesity and mental illness. People living in the deprived areas of borough and adults aged above 55years of age are found to have minimum or no physical activity. Poor diet: People in the various deprived areas of the Greenwich do not get the 5 portions of the fruits and vegetables compared to other parts of the country. Also increased consumption of the red meat has been shown to be one of the risk factors of bowel cancer. High cholesterol: Increased levels of Low Density Lipid (LDL) leads to Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). Increased physical activity can help in reducing the LDL levels and in preventing the CHD. Obesity: There is a constant increase in the number of obesity cases every year. Obesity leads to a CHD, colorectal cancer and post menstrual breast cancer. Hypertension: Among the various ethnic groups, Indian and Irish men and Black Caribbean women are more likely to have the hypertension and it can lead to CHD, heart attack and stroke. Diabetes: Diabetes is prevalent in certain ethnic groups and this itself is a risk factor for a number of other risk factors. Diabetes can be seen along with hypertension, obesity and it can also be inherited from the family members. Mental ill-health: Lack of vision towards life, proper interpersonal relationship and good work life balance leads to mental illness. Apart from these reasons, poor diet and smoking habits lead to mental illness and proper counselling and guiding the people can help in overcoming this issue Alcohol: Prevalence of alcoholism is very less in case of various ethnic groups such as Pakistanis, Bangladeshis and ethnic minority groups. Alcoholism can lead to a number of cardiac diseases and also is a risk factor in case of cancer. Poor social and economic condition: Most of the risk factors such as poor diet and sedentary lifestyle are prevalent in people who are in poor socio-economic status. Improving their status and educating can help in change the existing situation. CONCLUSION To conclude PCT is constantly surveying the prevalence of various health conditions and also finding the cause of diseases and mortality in Greenwich. The main hurdles faced are socio-economic inequalities, smoking, teenage pregnancy, infectious disease, cancers, obesity etc. PCT has been planning and conducting various educational programmes to overcome these issues by collaborating with the local organisations. Further planning and organisational collaboration will be required to provide the citizens of Greenwich to lead a healthy and happy life. REFERENCE Cancer research UK. (Jul 2010). Smoking Statistics [Online]. July 2010. Available from: Diabetes UK. (2010). Report on Diabetes [Online]. March 2010. Available from: Department of Health UK. (2006). Report on cardio vascular diseases [Online]. Feb 2006. Available from: Greenwich Teaching Primary Care Trust (2009). Public Health Report [Online]. May 2009. Available from: How to cite Encounters With Public Health, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The History and Significance of Chinese Foot Binding free essay sample
On her article The History and Significance of Chinese foot binding, Emmelyn Mah stated that the process of foot binding generally begins when a daughter reaches the age of five to six, it was believed that at this age, ones feet were matured, yet still pliable, and therefore, more easily bent for the binding, which was often done by the childs mother. Before the binding, the childs feet are soaked in a mixture of warm herbs and animal blood, which were said to soften the feet to facilitate easier binding. Next, her toe-nails are clipped back as far as possible to prevent ingrowths and possible infections. To prepare the child for the next, most gruesome and painful step, her feet are massaged. Then, ultimately, her four smallest toes are broken and pressed into her sole, and the arch of her foot crushed, thus creating a crevice at the bottom of her foot from where the two broken halves are folded. We will write a custom essay sample on The History and Significance of Chinese Foot Binding or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This is all bound tightly together using strips of bandages that had been pre-soaked in the same mixture of herbs and blood. As stated on http://www. csuchico. du, generally when people are referring to foot binding, they are referring to the restructuring of the feet by the breaking of the arch and four smaller toes on each foot for the purpose of achieving small feet for females. Difficult to imagine, but it is the bending of the metatarsals after the four smaller toes have been bound into the plantars. It is somewhat like bending a corner of a paper so that it is tucked under. Then the paper is bent in half, shortening the size. After the initial binding procedure, usually around the age of seven, the feet ould remain tightly bound with long cloth strips until the feet were no longer growing. Idealistic feet for women were three inches in length, which earned the title of san tsun gin lian, or golden lotus or lily. The criteria for the perfect three-inch foot consisted of three features. The first was length, which ideally should be three inches. The second was the cleft between the heel and the sole, which was to be two to three inches deep. Thirdly, the feet should appear to be extensions of the leg, rather than stands for the body
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Stephen Austin free essay sample
Stephen AustinMr. RussoFebruary 20, 2018ELA Should torture be allowed in the US Military? Should the Military be allowed to use Torture for information regarding terrorism to save lives? Some people would say It is effective and it does its purpose, which is to save lives and prevent terrorist attacks. Other people deny this claim and believe that it is ineffective, and inhumane. In 2008, President Obama signed an executive order stopping the use of torture. The current President of the United States is for the use of torture. Throughout the Middle East theyre chopping off heads of Christians, theyre chopping of heads of people, anyone that gets in the way. Theyre drowning 30-40 people at a time in heavy steal cages. As far as Im concerned, waterboarding is absolutely fine, and we should go much further.The history of Torture. the action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a punishment or to force them to do or say something, or for the pleasure of the person inflicting the pain In Exodus, it shows how brutally enslaved and tortured the children of Israel were shown in Exodus 5:22. We will write a custom essay sample on Stephen Austin or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Eventually, as technology improved, so did torture methods such as whips, and shackles. A common way to torture people while putting them to death would be a crucifix. Peoples hands and legs would be nailed to a cross shaped piece of wood and would be left to hung for the rest of their lives, which could last from hours to days. This device was designed for people to get just enough air to live while suffering. People who are thirst would be given vinegar to drink, and roman soldiers would often break different bones to make the victim suffer more before they die. During the middle ages, a common tactic would be the metal coffin. This coffin was made of metal that is roughly the same shape and size of the average human. Overweight people would be forced into this cage and hung inside of them until a crow would pick their dead bodies after they have died. An Iconic torture device is called the iron Maiden. The iron maiden is simply a coffin with a head at the top of it with spikes inside of the cage and the inside of the doors that open and close. People have experienced many triadic and horrible things on the World Trade Center attack of September 11, 2001. A lot of people lost lives that day, about 2,977 people ( A lot of people lost family members, friends, children, mothers, fathers, and others. KSM was behind this horrific attack. People want answers and want to end terrorist attacks. Therefore, people like Donald Trump believes in torture. He wants to torture terrorist to find out information. Throughout the Middle East theyre chopping off heads of Christians, theyre chopping of heads of people, anyone that gets in the way. Theyre drowning 30-40 people at a time in heavy steal cages. As far as Im concerned, waterboarding is absolutely fine, and we should go much further. – (Donald J. Trump. An article by the name of The reason why Americans are OK with torture. States say that Americans dont believe it referring to the fact that torture doesnt work, and false information is given. Some people believe torture is a way of pay back for their crimes against humanity. CBSs Most Americans consider waterboarding to be torture: poll article states that fifty seven percent that took the poll believe that waterboarding and other forms of torture provide valuable information that can prevent terror attacks and twenty three percent believes that this occurs frequently. Only eight percent of people believe that information obtained by torture is trust worthy. There are many negative affects to torture. As previously stated, Torture is the act or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone. This is essentially haring the person. The military uses torture to extract information from terrorist. There are several problems with this method used in todays United States military. To begin with, people are usually in pain when tortured and will do anything for that pain to stop. With that information, people tend to lie. An example of this occurring within the military would be a case between a person called Khalid Sheik Mohammed. According to Fox news Terror on trial special Who is KSM? (2009) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, known as KSM, is one of historys most violent and brutal terrorists. He was ether principle architect of the September 11th attacks as well as dozens of other plots against the U.S. and western targets worldwide. This story begins with how he was captured. The New Yorkers Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the C.I.A. States someone that goes by the alias Asset X who can lead them to KSM and on February 2003 in Pakistan he was captured and taken into custody. He was tortured horribly. The New Yorkers Khalid Sheik Mohammed and the C.I.A. quote one of the C.I.A.s documents on how the torture of KSM is progressing. Overall seems to be that waterboarding is not working in gaining KSM[s] compliance. Later, it was revealed that KSM began to lie about who was involved in the terrorist plot just so the C.I.A. would stop torturing him. There are many alternatives to torture that allows people to confess to crimes and plots without having to harm the suspect. Tactics Police Use to Get a Confession by the Criminal Defense Lawyer says that there is a method called The Reid Technique which is when the police isolate the suspect from friends and family, they make the suspects feel guilty of the crime, then suggest that the criminal confess to the crime for a lower sentence. Another law firm called Lauren Taylor Law explains that police officers can lie and deceive suspect into getting information, which is an alternative way of getting a confession. This could also be used in the military to get confessions from terrorist and possible prevent terrorist attacks. The most commonly used method to get a confession is called The Reid effect. This Reid effect was made in 1947 by John. E. Reid. This method has a total of 9 steps. Essentially, the interrogator presents the evidence, which can be either real or fake, to the suspect and show that the suspect is involved in the crime. Then In conclusion, there are some benefits and negative effects of torture. To begin with, torture has been used for centuries of history, and go as far back as the time of Jesus and prior to him. Evidence of this were tools such as the crucifix which is where people would be nailed to a piece of wood and hung there for hours or even days in pain and agony. In current times however, torture is used to achieve information, usually from criminals or terror subjects. What multiple resources have proven is that there are mental effects that accompany torture. Though some people believe that torture is effective, is has been proven that it is unreliable because people will lie to end the torture. An example of this is KSM, who has admitted to lying when he was tortured via waterboarding, and a method called walling which is when someone is thrown multiple times onto a wall. Studies have shown that there are also alternatives to torture to gain information. Interrogators can lie and create false evidence to convince suspects they are guilty and eventually make them confess to the crime that they have done.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Free Essays on Comparing Countries
France The French Socialist party, known as the SFIO (Section franà §aise de l'internationale ouvrià ¨re), French section of the Worker's International, was formed in 1905 by a merging of different socialist groups. Led by Jean Jaurà ¨s and Jules Guesde the SFIO became a major political force. In 1914 the party supported French participation in World War I, accepting ministerial posts. By 1920 the Communists held a majority in the party, and a split was unavoidable. The minority, led by Là ©on Blum, reconstituted the SFIO and in 1924 it joined a coalition government. In 1936, faced by economic depression, government corruption, and the rise of French fascism, the Socialists, allied with Communists and Radical Socialists, won election as the Popular Front; Blum was premier (1937-38). In World War II the SFIO played a major role in the French Resistance, emerging in 1945 as one of the strongest government parties. But, surrounded by Communists on the left and conservative parties on the right, it gradually lost strength, although it frequently was the leading party in governing coalitions. Split over support for the Fifth Republic in 1958, the party made a succession of alliances, unsuccessfully opposing the ruling Gaullists. It was reorganized in 1969 as the Parti Socialiste.Socialist candidate Franà §ois Mitterrand, was only narrowly defeated for the presidency in 1974, and in 1981, again with Communist support, he defeated Gaullist, President Valà ©ry Giscard d'Estaing, then led his party to an assembly majority. U.S. In 1898 the Social Democratic party was formed by a group led by Eugene V. Debs and Victor Berger. Two years later, Debs ran for president with the support of the more moderate wing of the Socialist Labor party, and in 1901 this group, led by Morris Hillquit, united with the Social Democratic party to form the Socialist party. The new pa... Free Essays on Comparing Countries Free Essays on Comparing Countries France The French Socialist party, known as the SFIO (Section franà §aise de l'internationale ouvrià ¨re), French section of the Worker's International, was formed in 1905 by a merging of different socialist groups. Led by Jean Jaurà ¨s and Jules Guesde the SFIO became a major political force. In 1914 the party supported French participation in World War I, accepting ministerial posts. By 1920 the Communists held a majority in the party, and a split was unavoidable. The minority, led by Là ©on Blum, reconstituted the SFIO and in 1924 it joined a coalition government. In 1936, faced by economic depression, government corruption, and the rise of French fascism, the Socialists, allied with Communists and Radical Socialists, won election as the Popular Front; Blum was premier (1937-38). In World War II the SFIO played a major role in the French Resistance, emerging in 1945 as one of the strongest government parties. But, surrounded by Communists on the left and conservative parties on the right, it gradually lost strength, although it frequently was the leading party in governing coalitions. Split over support for the Fifth Republic in 1958, the party made a succession of alliances, unsuccessfully opposing the ruling Gaullists. It was reorganized in 1969 as the Parti Socialiste.Socialist candidate Franà §ois Mitterrand, was only narrowly defeated for the presidency in 1974, and in 1981, again with Communist support, he defeated Gaullist, President Valà ©ry Giscard d'Estaing, then led his party to an assembly majority. U.S. In 1898 the Social Democratic party was formed by a group led by Eugene V. Debs and Victor Berger. Two years later, Debs ran for president with the support of the more moderate wing of the Socialist Labor party, and in 1901 this group, led by Morris Hillquit, united with the Social Democratic party to form the Socialist party. The new pa...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Discuss the challenges that global warming presents to both Essay - 1
Discuss the challenges that global warming presents to both governments and business - Essay Example These businesses include those reliant on fossil fuels in production or others that produce products that are the source of carbon emissions themselves. However, since everything comes at a cost, businesses are reluctant to combat the challenges that are bringing climate change. Climate change in general has affected businesses in all the industries regardless of their size. The primary reason for this assertion is the fact that the world is largely dependent on fossil fuels, the burning of which results in CO2 emissions, for its energy needs. Chief science adviser to Tony Blair, Sir David King believed that climate change has even greater threats than those posed by terrorism (Carey, 2004). The immediate reaction, as to what should we do in this regard, would be to develop alternatives for fossil fuels. What those alternatives are is then the challenge for businesses and governments to address. John Carey in his cover story for Bloomberg Business Week believes that the idea is to cu t down on usage of fossil fuels and to develop energy efficient vehicles and factories (Carey, 2004). The main contributor to greenhouse gas emissions however remains the energy sector. Surprisingly, and for the greater good, businesses adopting methods to address these concerns are thriving. Climate Group, an effort by companies and governments, helps to share stories of corporate success. Michael Northrop from the Climate Group says, "It's impossible to find a company that has acted and has not found benefits" (Carey, 2004). Although evidence exists of the energy sector benefitting from changes, the challenge exists in changing the dimensions of the industry to accommodate environmentally friendly substitutes to fossil fuels. Many companies are however reluctant to invest the appropriate amount of both time and money to find the most viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Oil companies have been primarily responsible for greenhouse gas emissions and have allegedly failed to restrict their contribution in the name of profit (Monteleone, pp. 144-154, 2007). Thus, it then poses a question to governments as to what should policy be aimed at. The answer is not that simple as even that comes at cost. Limits on pollution in the form tradable permits are being sought as a solution by the EU and the US in an attempt to curb greenhouse emissions. CEO of Xcel Energy Inc. Mr Wayne H. Brunetti says that one solution would be to give the companies the chance to figure out a solution and to allow them to set goals for 50 years down the road. He also stresses on the need for flexibility and the need for cooperation between institutions (Carey, 2004). The concerns of governments and environmental activists however are not restricted to the energy sector. Intel Corporation, the world’s largest chipmaker has been under scrutiny for its contribution to climate change. The challenge then again for businesses is to look for substitutes. Intel’s Stephen Harper says that the search for alternatives is still on and they are planning to find solutions to the growing concerns about climate change (Carey, 2004). Surprising enough is the contribution of animal farms to the greenhouse process. The contributions made by the animal agricultural sector to greenhouse gas em
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes Essay
Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes - Essay Example The people who oppose the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks include Mohammed Elzofri, a reported store owner; Corky Booze, an alleged former auto racer; and various agencies such as the American Beverage Association, which governs the beverage industry and particularly supports companies such as â€Å"Coke, Pepsi, Red Bull, and Gatorade†(Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 25); as well as the Americans Against Food Taxes. According to Elzofri, imposing taxes on sugary drinks, particularly on sodas would significantly be detrimental to the poor people and to business owners like him. His support was that more than 80 percent of people who purchase from his store buy sugary drinks and thus, imposing a tax on these would definitely make the drinks more expensive and possibly prohibitive. It was revealed that a tax on a two-liter drink would be tantamount to an addition of 68 cents to the current selling price. Concurrently, Booze w as reported to have averred that the government should not dictate what people should or should not consume and the imposition of the tax on sugary drinks would be most hurtful to the local community. He noted that the poor people who do not have the means to leave the city and purchase these drinks in other cities that do not impose taxes on them would be left with no options except to contend with these or not to purchase them at all. While other local citizens who could afford to leave Richmond would just purchase these drinks in other cities. This was corroborated by the American Beverage Association which shared Booze’s contentions that the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks would be most hurtful to those who could not afford. On the other hand, the people who were reported to openly support the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks include Dr. Jeff Ritterman, a cardiologist and also the city councilman; Doria Robinson, a noted community activist; and Dr. Kristen Bibbin Domingo, who is allegedly an internist at the University of California, San Francisco. According to Ritterman, the imposition of taxes on sugary drinks is seen as an effective way to prevent obesity. This was supported by Domingo, who apparently conducted a study on the effect of a tax imposition on sugary drinks to health and medical costs. As disclosed by Domingo, â€Å"a nationwide penny-per-ounce soda tax would reduce consumption by 15 percent and would, over a 10-year period, prevent several million diabetes cases and nearly 100,000 heart disease cases, as well as saving $17 billion in medical costs†(Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 30). In addition to substantial savings on medical costs, the tax imposition would allegedly generate as much as $3 million in revenues, as alleged by Ritterman. These are definite benefits for the city and for the health of the constituents. As added by Ritterman, the revenues could be earmar ked from programs such as â€Å"local sports fields, diabetes treatment for low-income children, and school-based nutrition classes†(Should Sugary Drinks Be Taxed Like Cigarettes? Calif. City Considering Idea par. 12). Likewise, Robinson, the community activist concurred that a tax on sugary drinks would eventually assist in breaking the addiction on sodas; and therefore, corroborates Ritterman’
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Historical Perspective Of Mass Media Laws Media Essay
The Historical Perspective Of Mass Media Laws Media Essay Mass Media laws in subcontinent have a long history and are deeply rooted in the countrys colonial experience under British rule. The earliest regulatory measures can be traced back to 1799 when Lord Wellesley promulgated the Press Regulations, which had the effect of imposing pre-censorship on an infant newspaper publishing industry. The onset of 1835 saw the promulgation of the Press Act, which undid most of, the repressive features of earlier legislations on the subject. Thereafter on 18th June 1857, the government passed the Gagging Act, which among various other things, introduced compulsory licensing for the owning or running of printing presses; empowered the government to prohibit the publication or circulation of any newspaper, book or other printed material and banned the publication or dissemination of statements or news stories which had a tendency to cause a furore against the government, thereby weakening its authority. Then followed the Press and Registration of Books Act in 1867. Governor General Lord Lytton promulgated the Vernacular Press Act of 1878 allowing the government to clamp down on the publication of writings deemed seditious and to impose punitive sanctions on printers and publishers who failed to fall in line. In 1908, Lord Minto promulgated the Newspapers (Incitement to Offences) Act, 1908 which authorized local authorities to take action against the editor of any newspaper that published matter deemed to constitute an incitement to rebellion. Thus, although the freedom of the press is guaranteed as a fundamental right, it is necessary for us to deal with the various laws governing the different areas of media so as to appreciate the vast expanse of media laws. Media laws in Pakistan through different regimes: Political instability in Pakistan affected the Media tremendously. All branches of media were affected but print media suffered badly. Although, it was declared many times in constitution that freedom of speech and expression would be provided to the media. However, this rule was never truly implemented and many political leaders banned the press during their regime. In the constitution of 1956, an article specifically devoted to freedom of speech was included. The 1956 Constitution lasted less than three years and was abrogated by the imposition of martial law in October 1958. In 1962, with the removal of Martial law a new constitution was enforced which continued the recognition of an initial concept of freedom of expression. But in reality, a military ruler imposed the constitution, which was completely devoid of laws of freedom. However, the strong reaction of press and the public resulted in Constitutional Amendment No. 1 to the 1962 Constitution and in 1963; the Press and Pu blications Ordinance (PPO) came into being. PPO contained the harshest of laws curtailing freedom of expression and the progressive development of the media. But soon in March 1969, General Yahya Khan imposed martial law and relied heavily on one of the measures of this ordinance, the system of press advice given out by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in order to avoid publication of news and reports deemed unsuitable for public consumption. During this period, newspapers and magazines known for their independent and progressive views were taken over by the government. Eventually the National Press Trust, created in 1964, took over these journals and acted as a front to control a section of the press. Promulgation of the Western Pakistan Maintenance of Public Order Ordinance had the aim was to consolidate into one law different provisions for preventive detention of persons and control of persons and publications for reasons connected with the maintenance of public order and refine and reinforce the mechanism of repression. With amendments in 1963 and 1964, this law empowered the government to ban the printing of publications, to enter and search premises, and to prohibit import of newspapers, among other measures. These powers have been used by succeeding governments right up until the government of Musharraf. In 1961, the government also took over the principal news agency of the country, the APP, to get a strong grasp of media, arguing that administrative and economical breakdown justified such a move. Instead of giving permission to private enterprise to improve the quality of the news agency, the government saw this as an opportunity to suppress the news that were supplied to the print media, to radio, and to the outside world. In spite of such repressive times, the press took a bold stand by providing alternative sources of news through an independent press and in this way press started a rebellion against government. During the regime of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, a President and Pakistans first civilian Chief, government reacted very strongly to criticism by various members of the press, and to suppress free voices imprisoned editors and publishers on the pretext of national security. The next five years represented the beginnings of democracy; however, they were spoiled by repressive actions toward the press. The new constitution, although formulated on the principles of democracy, human rights, and freedom of speech, failed to serve the purpose. The PPO remained, as did the National Press Trust. Moreover, through compulsion and manipulation, the government insured that the only other news agency in the country (besides the government-owned APP), the Pakistan Press International (PPI), was brought under its authority. In 1977, with the implementation of martial law abuse of journalists became public rather than covert. Journalists were flogged in public at governments notion and until August 1988 mass media gone through a stunning oppression. The only positive fact of this era was the restoration of the news agency PPI to its original shareholders. Since then PPI provides a valuable alternative news source to the government-controlled APP. In December 1985, the new democratic political figure came into power but that relied on the old media laws. A caretaker government provided transition to a full-fledged democracy, which included repealing the press law that had pressurized the media for so long. A new law, known as the Registration of Printing Presses and Publications Ordinance was installed in 1988. A key change in this law was enforced to stop government from intrusion in media. District Magistrate was supposed to issue a receipt to an applicant for the issuance of a declaration for the keeping of a printing press or the publication of a journal to provide the applicant with proof that would help avoid government interference. The most significant change or difference made by press law of 1988 was that governmental influence on media was reduced to a minimum limit and appeals were also now allowed. In addition, newspapers were given freedom and no longer obligated to publish in full the press notes issued by the government authorities. However, as representative bodies of the press wanted to revise the law of 1988 for a variety of reasons, so this press law continued to be re-promulgated as a decree through 1997, even though the Supreme Court ruled such re-promulgation illegal. The November 1988 elections brought with them a new phase of liberalism toward the mass media laws and regulations. During the rule of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, freedom of Expression and thought was uprising. But due to enormous political pressure and stress, media returned to the old, one-sided coverage after only four months. The free press grew stronger during this phase; and exhibited a new spirit in reporting the news and in analyzing the current affairs. Ministry of Information allowed a free and open system of importing newsprint at market prices. In 1990, with the dissolution of Benazir,s government, the new Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, took over and restored the issuance of permits system for news-print import for some unknown reasons. During this phase, government put sensational pressure on independent journalists, using both covert and overt means of revenge. To be honest, media was truly oppressed and tyrannized. In May 2000 Musharrafs regime was strengthened by a unanimous decision by the Supreme Court to validate the October 1999 coup as having been necessary; at the same time the Court announced that the Chief Executive should name a date not later than 90 days before the expiry of the three-year period from In 1999, Musharrafs administration seemed to follow a more open minded policy towards the press with fewer restrictions and much less exploitation. However, some sources reported continued harassment of and dangers to journalists. Mile stones: 1997: Nawaz Sharif overpowered Benazir Bhutto in the elections and activated a two-and-a half year reign of terror against the press. 1999: General Pervez Musharraf brought down Sharif, suspended the constitution, and declared martial law; Press harassment was reported and government agents raid the countrys most influential newspaper, Jang, because it was too critical of the government. 2001: Government introduced legislation to create a Press Council and new press laws. 2002: Journalists supported idea that the freedom of Information Ordinance Act allowed access to public records and details of decisions made by superior courts, armed forces, financial institutions, and intelligence agencies. 2010: Government could not check media outburst due to globalization. Many media officials and experts have now decided to suppress media terrorism by banning the display of bloodshed and massacre. Current situation: Presently, government has failed to check or ban media from spreading information because of intense technological advancements. Now nothing can remain hidden because of vast network of internet. Every person has free excess to the news around the globe. Requirement of media laws: As far as the question that is it necessary to call for media laws? is concerned we can easily say that laws absolutely necessary for the proper functioning of any organization as they help to maintain check and balance. Following arguments prove the significance of media laws: 1) Media sometimes crosses the limits and does more than enough, in order to stop this there should be a check/law. 2) We often hear much about fundamental human rights on media, but by exhibiting violation of these rights media itself violates human rights. That thing also needs to be suppressed. 3) Personal and communal privacy is highly affected by media. No secret remains secret because of media globalization. Some things happen to worth keeping private so to protect privacy law is essential. 4) The owner of the product is responsible that in case the product is provided to be used by somebody else, that this user is in compliance with the above rules and regulations and agrees to not mention, comment, state or otherwise discuss anything about the respective product. A corresponding law may need to govern import restrictions so that ANYTHING, product or service or even visitors to the respective country need to sign when entering the respective country to obey to this law. Media legislative bodies in Pakistan: The Authority or government is responsible for assisting and regulating the establishment and operation of all private broadcast media and distribution services in Pakistan established for the purpose of international, national, provincial, district, and local or special target audiences. Government has made special organizations to deal with media. New legislation has been planned for the formation of Press Council. Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority and Ministry of information are two famous lawmaking bodies in this country. CENSORSHIP: Censorship is considered very important in perspective of media. It holds same significance for media as a bridle for a horse. It keeps media in limits. A governmental organization censors anything that is considered morally corrupt. But as an old latin phrase states WHO WILL GUARD THE GUARDS, here comes a point that who will suggest that something is morally crooked? Code of ethics is one thing which will help here. All laws of censorship are meaningless without the code of ethics. Government of Pakistan has tried very hard to implement laws of censorship. But this is crystal clear that Pakistani censor board has awfully failed to do so. The reason definitely is the stark absence of code of ethics. Censorship saturates journalism history in Pakistan; certainly, the blackest censorship period came during General Zias 10-year military regime. Almost all journalists recall that as an era of thorough control. Government used most subtle means of censorship. It specified that whoever contravenes any provision of this regulation shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment which may extend to ten years, and shall be liable to fine or stripes not to exceed twenty-five. Sharif used additional means to ensure press observance. He used intelligence operatives to penetrate newsrooms and press unions and sent many spies doubling as reporters, and journalists moonlighting as government agents, trust became difficult for all. PRESS LAWS: Our freedom depends in large part, on the continuation of a free press, which is the strongest guarantee of a free society.  Richard M. Schmidt- Constitutional Provisions Guarantees An article in constitution Pakistan provides freedom of speech and fundamental rights, this piece of writing refers especially to press and is given below: Article 19, Freedom of Speech: Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, commission of or incitement to an offense. The Constitution ensures the freedom of expression and freedom of the press with reasonable restrictions that may be forced by law. Judiciary holds the responsibility to determine parameters of the permissible freedoms and the extent to which media should be restricted. The judiciary can serve its purpose only if it is independent and free of any political, social and communal pressure. It is a general observation that judiciary accommodates the freedom of expression and information, and wants to fortify the mass media. But government officials and big guns often have great influence on judiciary or to be more precise, we can say that the courts are directly controlled by them. The reason perhaps lies in the fact that the president controls the selection, transfer, and tenure of judges. Especially when any military dictator gets control of government, judiciary bears the burnt of disturbance. The incident that happened in January 2000, when Musharraf required all judges to take an oa th of loyalty to his regime the Supreme Court Justice and five colleagues refused, is the best example of government control on judiciary. The constitution also sketch outs the power of the president to promulgate decrees and to set aside fundamental rights during an emergency period when his own interest comes in question. Musharrafs military coup on October 12, 1999, led to such an annihilation of fundamental rights and violation of laws when he suspended constitution and assumed the additional title of Chief Executive, appointed an eight-member National Security Council to function as the supreme governing body of Pakistan and dissolved both the Senate and the National Assembly. On May 16, 2002, the Minister of Information, along with the Council of Pakistan Newspaper Editors and the All Pakistan Newspaper Society, released drafts for the legislation for comment and debate. Newspaper editors also urged that the Freedom of Information Act and the amended Registration of Printing Press and Publication Ordinance be promulgated by the government, along with the Press Council Ordinance. The International Press Institute (IPI) identified major concerns including the desire to create a quasi-judicial body without proper procedures in place to provide fairness and equity. The IPI also expressed reservations about the proposed composition, financing, and the terminology used in describing the ethical code, and made a number of recommendations for improving the draft ordinance. The PFUJ and the APNEC reacted in similar ways to the proposed legislation. In a joint statement issued on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, leaders of the two organizations said they regretted that the Press and Publication Ordinance against which the journalists community had striven for almost two decades had once again been revived and newspapers were being closed down under the same black law. The statement said fresh attempts in the shape of the Press Council were being framed by Musharrafs government to silence the voice of the print media in the country. They said the PFUJ and APNEC had already rejected the idea of setting up the council and that news people were still being subjected to different pressure tactics, including threats to their lives. They demanded that the government repeal more than 16 black laws, including the Press and Publication Ordinance, and to insure implementation of the labor laws by ending exploitation of the working journalists and newspaper worke rs. They also called for enforcing the Freedom of Information Act to ensure easy access to information. The only other press laws in effect while the current proposed press laws are under review are general ones prohibiting publication of obscene material, inciting religious, parochial, or ethnic provocations, and anti-defamation provisions. Foreign Ownership of Domestic Media: Due to continual foreign intervention previous press laws included provisions restricting foreign ownership in the press. The law specified that a non-inhabitant of Pakistan could hold shares in any newspaper only with the approval of the government and only if such chipping in ownership should not be more than 25 percent of the entire proprietary interest. Currently, there is no such information on foreign ownership provisions in the proposed new press laws. Summing up: Pakistans chaotic history, coupled with its ongoing political and economic crises, places the press in the position of informing the citizenry while also providing a check on the powers in office. Since its founding in 1947, Pakistan has suffered three periods of martial law and two military dictatorships, nevertheless the press goes on. The freedoms that insure the existence of the press are contained in Pakistans constitution, which remained suspended in 2002, and yet the press lasts and continues to safeguard those freedoms. Over the years members of the press have been arrested and jailed, have had their offices raided and ransacked, have been publicly flogged, and severely censored, tortured and pained. But the press still persists and has a stronger voice today than ever before. Members of the Pakistan press must work diligently to have their voices heard in the governments attempt to create a Press Council and new press laws. Problems facing the Pakistan press are not new, nor are there any quick fixes to them. Recent arrests of respected Pakistani journalists have spurred concern. Pakistan is dependent upon foreign aid, however, and is thus vulnerable to international pressures, which should help the plight of journalists being abused. In addition, a new generation of female editors who are sensitive to the abuses otherwise ignored by their male counterparts will undoubtedly help journalists and human rights victims. Conclusion:  In this age of media explosion, you cannot simply remain restrained to the boundaries of the traditional media. The media world has expanded its dimensions by encompassing within its orbit, the widening vistas of cyber media etc. The word law with media reminds us of a ferocious horse who has been forced to follow certain predetermined pathways, but as it seems nearly impossible to control the horse so the case of media is just like that. The more you try to organize the horse the more you get in trouble. But here are other ways to overcome the trouble; instead of dealing with the problem by force wed better put it in some sensible hands. It means, wed control media with code of ethics and morals rather than with laws or force.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Neuropathology and Etiology of Alzheimer’s disease
Scientists have not yet fully come to full grips with the real causes of Alzheimer’s disease, however, one clear aspect of the development of this disease arise from a very complex chain of activities taking place in the brain over a long period of lifetime. It has been argued that genetic, environmental and even lifestyle factors have contributed to major causes of this disease. Risk and protective factors may include genetic, medical, biological, environmental, dietary, social and cultural aspects (Draper, 2004).In genetic aspect, APOE E2 is rare and creates protection against Alzheimer’s disease and in case it does occur in much later years than in people with APOE E3 and APOE E4. APOE E3 forms the most common Allele and is assumed to perform a neutral role in Alzheimer’s disease. This means it neither stimulates nor increases reactions that would lead to the development of Alzheimer’s. The APOE E4 occurs in the most common and occurs in approximately 4 0% in those who suffer from late onset Alzheimer’s disease. It is therefore common that people with APOE E4 are more likely to suffer from Alzheimer’s disease (Kuhn & Verity, 2007).It is infact known as the risk factor gene in that it increases one’s level of risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Early – onset Alzheimer’s disease, affecting few people is as a result of chromosome different gene mutations on specific chromosomes (Martinison&Musaswes, 1993). These include chromosome 21, 14 and chromosome 1 and all these produces abnormal proteins. Permanent changes in chromosome 21 lead to the creation of APP (Abnormal Amyloid Precursor Protein) while the same process in chromosome 14 leads to the formation of abnormal presenilin and mutation in chromosome 1 lead to creation of abnormal presenilin.Inheritance of even one of these genes from both or one parent is most likely to develop early onset Alzheimer’s disease. This kind of inhe ritance pattern is referred to as â€Å"abnormal dominant inheritance†. Another possible risk towards the development of Alzheimer’s disease is SOR1 (Roudier et al, 1991). This gene is solely responsible for the transportation of APP (Abnormal Amyloid Precursor Protein) within the cells and was discovered to be connected to Alzheimer’s disease. While it is present in low levels, beta amyloid levels increase and may have a negative effect on neurons (Ramanathan, 1997).The difference in genetic make up from one person to another either delays or completely prevents the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, also known as Familial Alzheimer’s disease. It is mainly inherited from parents and is caused by mutations in three genes. (APOE E2, APOE E3, APOE E4). There is a 50-50 chance of an offspring developing early onset Alzheimer’s diseases if one of the parents had it, averagely at the age of 30-60. As many as 5. 3 million Americans are living with Alzh eimer’s disease.It is know to destroy brain cells and hence cause problems with behavior, thinking and memory severely enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social infract It has been graded the sixth-leading cause of death in the United States (Mace & Rabins, 2007). There is no known cure to Alzheimer’s disease yet but an attempt to control it is going on. Scientists and researchers have come up with brain implants aimed to controlling it. These implants contain proteins called Nerve Growth Factors (NGF) which directly delivered to brain nerve cells, which in turn stimulates their growth and thus reduces the chances of their degeneration.Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is responsible for controlling cell regeneration in the entire body but it is denied entry into the brain, this makes brain cells lack ability to self-regenerate (Taylor, 2006). Alzheimer’s’ disease has no cure however and irreversible. It is as a result of progressive brain damage characte rized by the building up of amyloid plagues and neurofibrillary tangles, lack of connection in the brain cells and the eventual death of these verve cells. Symptomatic treatment in combination with right support and proper service can lessen the pain of living with this disease.Change in different forms of lifestyle choices can also reduce the prevalence of this disease. It is a complex disease to understand because it affects individuals differently in the order in which symptoms come to surface, their order of appearance, the duration it lasts before end point and variation in the duration of stage. Increased vigor worldwide to find a lasting break through in proper treatment of this disease is underway (Coste, 2004). These include efforts to delay its onset, reduce late of its development and eliminate it from the body.Research also suggests that different forms of lifestyle such as nutrition, social activities; mentally involving activities are factors likely to reduce Alzheimer ’s disease. Progression of series of Alzheimer’s disease consists of five stages expanded to seven stages by the use of a Modified Global Deterioration scale (GDS). This scale assists doctors to measure the exact level of progression of the disease in a patient and administer right medication. Stages of Alzheimer’s disease include the early stage where the individual has mild impairenent arising from this disease (Pearce, 2007).Symptoms in this stage include rapid changes in mood and behavior, forgetfulness, and lack of proper communication. This group still contains most of their capabilities and thus needs very minimal life support. Further deterioration in this stage one leads to the middle stage. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a condition in which a person has memory problems greater than those expected for his or her age. However, people with MCI do not have the personality changes or cognitive problems that characterize (Callone, 2007).Memory loss, dif ficulty in identifying people and objects are symptoms of middle stage although there may be little awareness. The late stage eventually does not allow verbal communication or one to take care of himself. This level require external support although their lives. The fourth stage, at end of life, is when one comes close to death and comfort is the main focus.Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) or Reisberg scale provides care givers with a better accurate measure of the level of deterioration stage. References: Draper B., (2004); Dealing with Dementia: A Guide to Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias. ISBN-10: 1865088536, ISBN-13: 978-1865088532, Allen & Unwin. Roudier, M. , Marcie, P. , Podrabinek, N., Lamour, Y. , Payan, C. , Fermanian, J. and Boller, F. , (1991): Cognitive Functions in Alzheimer's Disease: Interaction of Cognitive Domains. Developmental Neuropsychology. Volume: 7. Issue: 2. Kuhn, D. & Verity, J., (2007): The Art of Dementia Care. ISBN-10: 140189951X, ISBN-13: 978-14 01899516, Delmar Cengage Learning. Martinson, I. M. and Muwaswes, M. , (1993) ; Care giving Demands of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease.Journal Title: Journal of Community Health Nursing. Volume: 10. Issue: 4. 1993. Page Number: 225. Ramanathan, V. , (1997);Alzheimer Discourse: Some Sociolinguistic Dimensions. ISBN: 9780805823554, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Mahwah, NJ. Taylor, R.. , (2006): Alzheimer’s from the inside out. ISBN-10: 1932529233, ISBN-13: 978-1932529234, Health Professions Press. Coste, K. J. , (2004): Learning to Speak Alzheimer's: A Groundbreaking Approach for Everyone Dealing with the Disease. ISBN-10: 1864710632, ISBN-13: 978-0618485178, Mariner Books. Pearce, N., (2007): Inside Alzheimer's: How to Hear and Honor Connections with a Person who has Dementia.ISBN-10: 0978829905, ISBN-13: 978-0978829902, Forrason Press Callone, P. , (2007): A Caregiver’s Guide to Alzheimer's Disease: 300 Tips for Making Life Easier. ISBN-10: 1932603166, ISBN-13: 978-19 32603163, Demos Medical Publishing. Mace, L. N. & Rabins, V. P. , (2007);The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People with Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss in Later Life, 4th Edition, ISBN-10: 0801885094,ISBN-13: 978-0801885099, John’s Hopkins University Press
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Through a Different Perspective
Asian and Asian American culture are historically known for having a strict, distinctive boundary between the traditional roles of women and men, where, In the domestic sphere, women are submissive to male authority figures, which are typically embodied in the father or husband. One well known example that calls to mind this subordination of women to men is China's one-child policy, which often leads to ill treatment, abandonment or leaving up for adoption of female infants and children as a result of wanting a male child to lead the family and carry on the family name.While this might be a more extreme result of this stereotype, there are many other similar historical stereotypes that subordinate the woman to the man In Asian and Aslant American culture. Regardless of historical stereotypes, however, It Is clear to many individuals today that times are changing and causing culture to shift. One accessible way of highlighting the degree to which Asian and Asian American culture has c hanged from past to present is through film.Alice Wow's Saving Face and Ketene Meat's Spices note a number of historical stereotypes, but more importantly, they pen up dialogue about the slightly functions of female and male roles. Through the combination of symbol and metaphor, setting and situation, and most Importantly, contrast between traditional and non-traditional, Alice Www and Ketene Meta enable a different understanding of Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity in their respective films, Saving Face and Spices.Several historical stereotypes characterize traditional Asian and Asian American culture; Alice Www and Ketene Meta address these stereotypes and more. Many historical stereotypes of Aslant and Asian American culture revolve around the way a Oman should act in and outside of marriage and the way In which her Individual role contributes to the identity of a given cultural or familial group. Both Www and Meta present the traditional heterosexual married co uple where the husband's word is comparable to law.In Saving Face, Www provides the grandparents and although the grandmother can offer her input and opinion to her husband, when it comes to serious matters like kicking out their daughter as a result of an illegitimate child, which goes against another stereotype, the grandfather's decision holds fast. In pieces, Meta presents Sarasota and the mukluk, where the authority of the husband's word is even more evident.Stereotypically, the wife and husband are also either fairly close in age or the husband is older. Other obvious historical stereotypes relate to how a woman should act in general. According to stereotypical Asian and Asian American culture, the woman should dress femininely and be passive and non- defiant, not only to the dominant male figure In her life, but In general as well. Historically, women could not receive an education either.Altogether, this creates the tropically impression of an Asian or Asian American woman w ith little or no personal identity, but rather an identity where she blends into the cultural group she is a part of. Historical stereotypes of Asian and Asian American men revolve around his status as an authority figure in the family. He generally has a very dominant and controlling point of view and way of interacting with his family. By addressing these points historical stereotypes both directly and Indirectly and combining them with Asian American femininity and masculinity.Through setting and situation, Www and Meta heighten the contrast between satirical stereotype and changing times, thus allowing viewers to experience dynamic characters who change and come to exemplify transgressing individuals, as opposed to having only static characters that are stuck in a historically stereotypical mentality. Saving Face is set in what seems to be modern day New York, where diversity in all forms is represented. The openness of thought in this setting creates all sorts of situations tha t are starkly different from traditional Asian and Asian American stereotypes, which shy in comparison in the film.For example, the introduction of an African American best friend in the form of Jay, which the mother meets and initially Judges close-minded because of his differing race turns into a situation later on in the film where the two of them are sitting side by side on the couch sharing the experience of an Asian television show. There are also more subtle situations where anti-stereotypical, and even transgressing, thought is expressed.Another such example is the instance when the grandmother mentions how Wig's more masculine attire is fine for a woman. These situations and similar ones pugnaciously give viewers a different understanding of how times are changing, especially in relation to Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity, thus opening up viewers' thoughts to other, more transgressing situations like LIGHT issues surrounding Wig's official coming out and her acceptance into her family, as well as the idea of an illegitimate child to a much younger man.In a setting full of diversity like that in Saving Face, the unique characteristics of each individual are heightened, thus eventually giving Will the â€Å"validated[ion] for both [her] ethnic and lesbian/gay densities†and a â€Å"sense of social belonging and group cohesion†that Connie S. Chain notes are usually afforded as a result of coming out (Chain, 241).Proof of this success of both sexual and ethnic identity comes at the end of the film where the dance party, a common part of the Asian American community represented in the film, accommodates all the transgressors and accepts them, ultimately dismissing those who do not accept them by having them leave the party. In contrast, the setting of Meat's Spices is one of rigidity and at its most basic level, uniformity. It is set in sass India, a period of British colonialism, which enforces the ideas of oppression an d fear of resistance (Shores, April 9, 2014).This setting makes any type of resistance all the more outlandish and outrageous, thus drawing attention to the transgressing women and men in the film and the way in which they struggle to break historical stereotypes and gender norms. The setting of the film allows for the placement of the â€Å"all-powerful Subdued†, who exemplifies not only overbearing characteristics of colonialism, but more generally speaking, the sexual dominance of the Asian man over the Asian woman (Shores, 251).The Much plays a similar role but really expounds upon the domestic dominance an Asian or Asian American husband stereotypically has over his wife. To contrast these static characters who continue to represent these aspects throughout the duration of the film, Meta introduces transgressing men such as Master's and ABA Mania who both have more enlightened ways of thinking in comparison to the other male characters. The stark difference in these two different sets of men, again, highlights the more of Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity.In terms of female ranginess, this is even more evident than male transgression because of the way in which females are naturally expected to be non-defiant, especially towards the men of power in their family and in the community they are a part of. In a way, Meta uses this play on power between the Subdued and Sinbad to empower Sinbad more. If â€Å"the Subdued wants Sinbad because of her defiance†and if â€Å"her resistances is a power that excites him,†Meta suggests that a woman who is not completely submissive is more desirable than one who is because of the way she can more equally challenge a male counterpart (Shores, 250).Similarly, Meta empowers Shirtwaist by giving her acts of transgression real purpose. Each of her transgressions from putting her daughter into school, to kicking the Much out of their house, to leading the protest against the Subdued and her husband are followed by strong protests, and even violence, from her husband, thus emphasizing the true strength and ability of a female through persistent resistance and the effect it has on the dominant male figure in her life.If a woman's role were to really be passive and unimportant, the man's word to the public would be final and the woman loud either be literally or figuratively silenced, however the Much constantly brings up the way in which her actions continually affect his political and communal appearance, thus depicting the existence of a permanent voice. While the settings of each of the films more directly set the tone for enabling a different understanding of Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity, symbols and metaphor enhance this understanding on a more subconscious level.In Saving Face, Www constantly brings in the image of the face, both clear and unobstructed as well as partially hidden from view (Shores, April 2, 2014). The title even mentions the face as well. This constant symbol of the face suggests personal identity and in terms of this film, alludes to an identity not based solely on either sexuality or ethnicity, but rather a cohesion of â€Å"ethnic and lesbian/gay identities†(Chain, 241). The recurrence of the image of the face hints at the importance of individual identity, especially for what would be transgressors of historical stereotypes.There is a constant reminder about the image one gives to the public and the way it differs from one's true self. A symbol that enhances a different understanding in Spices, is the symbol, or trope, of the chili pepper. The chili peppers â€Å"symbolize women's sexuality,†but more importantly, they not only â€Å"offer a literal and metaphoric form of resistance,†but also come to symbolize the power of colonialism and violent dominance in general because of their blood red color (Shores, 247).The scenes where Sinbad runs through and over the chili pep pers and falls down symbolizes the success of colonialism and the way in which it has led to the overcoming of not only villages as a whole, but also the women themselves. At the name time, however, Sinbad gets up and continues to run over the chili peppers, showing how colonialism and oppression are overcome.By the end of the film, it is the very symbol of colonialism and violence that causes the women to come together in resistance against the Subdued, thus showing how colonialism and oppression become the very reason and purpose behind resistance, essentially acting as a spearhead against whoever imposes those things to begin with. In a more literal way become the literal weapons against the Subdued, who â€Å"embodies the colonizers power†(Shores, 249).Through this change in purpose of the symbol of chili peppers as a result of the unification of transgressing thought personified in Sinbad, Shirtwaist, ABA Mania, and the women who eventually come to use the ground up chi li powder as a weapon, viewers come to a subconscious realization of a different understanding of Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity and the way in which this understanding is truly sculpted at the hands of those who are oppressed as they come to face and conquer their oppressors.Alice Www and Ketene Meta use these various strategies and more in their exceptive films, Saving Face and Spices to enable a different understanding of Asian and Asian American femininity and masculinity. By enabling these different understandings, they break historical stereotypes of Asian and Asian American women and men and empower females in a way that gives them a starkly different image than what is commonly attributed to them.
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